To create a New Scheme navigate to Modules--> Configuration or select Configuration from the back office homscreen
Select Schemes from the menu bar
Click the
When creating the scheme you will be asked to fill out three pieces of information first:
- Name: the descriptive name for the Scheme e.g. "Nursing Home Scheme"
Scheme Shortname: the 2 letter short code for the Scheme. This will be used in the dispensary system as part of the form number e.g. "NH2003/0045"
Scheme Type: this defines whether the scheme is for human prescribing, veterinary prescribing or both.
Once you have entered these details click Save. The scheme will then be created and you will have the opportunity to configure various other scheme settings. Please see the Edit an Existing Scheme section for more information on the various settings available when your Scheme has been created.