- Detailed Payments Report - Details all receipts in the selected date range and for selected stores. It details the date and time, the staff member, the receipt value and receipt number for each transaction. It also shows the account number and voucher or gift card number if applicable. The report can be filtered by applying value ranges to each of the columns
To run this report go to:
Go to Reports in the Back office
Then Navigate to Payments
Then select Detailed Payments Report. An option screen like this will appear.
Input your date range and any other filter information needed. Then press run report. A report like this will appear.
If you have a query on any of the sales line. Click on the reciept number in blue
It will then show you the reciept for that sales line. You can print any reciept by pressing print at end of reciept pop up screen.
To Print or Save the report, use the functions at the top right of the page.