N.B. It is NOT necessary to create a Scheme in Rx for this

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a scheme that has been introduced by the government to allow approved persons to obtain anti-HIV medication through community pharmacies.

PrEP drugs should be free to the approved patient and can be claimed for.

PrEP drugs can be claimed for under GMS or DPS.

HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) medication can now be claimed in Rx 365 and TouchstoreRx once the patient is approved for PrEP medication. A PrEP dispense will not contribute to the session total or the fempi family total and will be marked as Can Claim in the claims module. The item will not appear as chargeable on F5 payment analysis. The approval period for a PrEP item is 6 months.

To set a patient up for PrEP medication


Note:If a PrEP medication is dispensed with other non-PrEP medication, the PrEP medication will be split into its own prescription and the amount due will be automatically set to zero.

Note: There is no warning to advise you that you are dispensing PrEP outside of the Approved Period or with no dates set up - dispensing outside of this period will mean the PrEP products are treated as normal dispenses.