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Once you have added your products to the transaction:
Ensure you have selected the item you wish to discount, by pressing the applicable item from the list to highlight it (compare green circled below).
Press Discount (circled below in red).
Select from the list the discount you wish to give.
Select Apply To Sale to apply the discount to the full transaction.
Select Apply To Product to apply the discount to the particular item you selected (ie “Aques Cream” in this example).
Rounding total amount due
If you would prefer to watch a video on this topic, access it here on Vimeo using password: XPOS
If instead of discounting, you wish to simply round the total amount due from the customer:
Scan your products as normal at the till.
Press the Pay button.
On the paymenet screen, press the total price to produce the keypad shown below.
Type in the total amount you wish to charge the customer for the full transaction. For example in the below case you may wish to charge a flat €12.