How to Create a New Task
- Sign into the Back Office and select 'Tasks'
Select 'Manage Tasks' from the side bar
Click 'Add a New Task' button
- The below screen will then be displayed
- Enter a Description i.e. 'Clean counter'
- Note: You can also add a link into the description of a task. The link will appear in blue and when clicked, the URL will open in a new browser
- Note: You can also add a link into the description of a task. The link will appear in blue and when clicked, the URL will open in a new browser
- Enter the 'Start Date' & 'Finish Date'
- Enter in a time you wish the task to be completed at
- Select the 'Task Type'
- Personal Task - Allows you to assign a personal task.
- This will display to the user who created the task.
- Staff Role Task - Allows you to assign a task based on a staff role. i.e. General User/ Manager
- This will display to everyone that is assigned to the specific role chosen when signed into the back office.
- Staff Task - Allows you to assign a task to a specific member of staff.
- This will be displayed to the staff member it is assigned to only once they sign in with their pin no.
- Store Task - Allows you to assign a task to the store or an individual
- This will display to everyone in the assigned store(s) when signed into the back office.
- If assigned to an individual, the Task will be visible for all staff members in the store, but only the staff member it is assigned to can complete it.
- Personal Task - Allows you to assign a personal task.
Select a Priority
1. - Normal
2. - High
3. - Critical
Tick the 'Schedule task to repeat' box if you want this task to be repeated.
From here, you can then select the number of weeks to repeat the task & you can tick the days of the week it is to be repeated.
When a task(s) has been created, they will be displayed on the homepage as displayed below
How to mark a Task as Completed
- In the 'Today' tab, Using the tick box beside the task, tick this box and then click 'Completed'
Overdue Tasks
- Any task that has gone past the date & time it was due to be completed on/by will be displayed as shown below