- Many patients often receive items under the High Tech Scheme that are technically processed as part of a different Scheme e.g. GMS.
How to Set up a Patient's High Tech Scheme & Link it to another
Navigate to the Patient's PMR
Click Edit (F3) or press (KEYBOARD: F3) to edit patient information
To set up the HT Scheme, click Insert Scheme
Insert the card number of the scheme you are linking the High Tech to
Example - if you are linking High Tech and GMS, the GMS and High Tech schemes will share the same Card number and the GMS scheme will have the HT Link box ticked as shown below:
NB: Only tick the scheme that you are linking the High Tech scheme to
You can see in the above screenshot, GMS and High Tech have the same Card No.
If you do not enter the same Card No. the system will give you a message and advise you of this issue as shown below
- Click OK or press (KEYBOARD: ALT + O) to save and return to the PMR
It is possible within the system to link a High Tech scheme to the following schemes:
Drugs Payment Scheme
General Medical Services
High Tech
- To link High Tech to itself, enter the letter T as the Card No. and tick the HT Link box against the High Tech Scheme itself
Hospital Emergency
Long Term Illness