Search for a patient
- Login to Touchstore Rx using the Start button or press F2 & type in the patient's name in the format SURNAME, FIRSTNAME
If you only know part of the patient's name you can use SPACES or % to indicate a wildcard e.g. any sequence of characters can follow what you have entered
E.G. JAM% will return anyone whose surname begins with JAM like _"JAMES" or "JAMESON"_
You can either use the Arrows on the keyboard or the mouse to select the correct record
If using the keyboard, press ENTER to open the patient record you selected
The PMR Console will now open the selected patient's file
Using Advance Search to search for a patient
If you have multiple patients with similar names or you need to search using different information than the patient's name e.g. Form Number, Product Name etc... you can make use of the Advanced Search screen
Click Search or press ALT + A on your keyboard (you can also press F2 twice)
This will bring up the Select Patient screen
The Standard Search tab is selected by default
Here you can search based on a number of different column headings - Full Name is the default search
To search based on different columns:
Click on the Column Heading in the list e.g. Reference & it will move to the left-hand side of the screen, indicating that it is the field that the search is using at the moment. Pop in the reference number and select the patient from the list generated. See below
In this screen, you can search based on:
- Full Name
- Reference Number
- Phone Number
- Date Of Birth
- Address
- First Name
- Last Visit
- Town, Country & Alias
_N.B. if your system has the Show Eircode option enabled then the Address shown will include the Eircode and so this can be used for searching also. this setting can be found in Modules--> Configuration--> Application, Tick "Show Eircode"