If you would prefer to watch videos on this topic, access them on Vimeo by clicking the below topics and using the password - XPOS:
- How to complete a refund with no exchange of goods
- How to complete a refund with an exchange of goods and balance still owed to customer
- How to complete a refund with an exchange of goods and the customer owes you money
How to complete a refund
Scan the item being returned, then press to minus (-) icon (circled below)
The below message will appear.
Press Yes to continue with the refund.
Note you may put through more products in this transaction, like the example below.
The value of the refunded item will be taken off the full transaction value.
To complete the refund:
- Press Done if refunding by cash.
- Press Pay if refunding by card (select Credit/Debit on the next screen).