Sending your Order

- Manage & Send Orders

To access the Orders module open RX 365


On the left-hand side of the page that opens we can see the selection tabs for orders.


Once the manage orders Tab is selected, we can see Items that have been dispensed populating on the order list to the supplier


To select a different supplier, select the X next to the chosen supplier and enter in the desired Supplier.







Alternatively, change the Quantity to order to Zero.


Adding an item to the order can be done in two ways

  1. Scanning in the product
  2. Manually entering the product in the Add product to this order


To send the order select the transmit order button.


- Manage Orders Tab

In this tab, once a supplier has been selected, different options and functions are available depending on the type of supplier selected.

If we select a Re-Order level supplier,

If we select a Sales Replacement supplier,

If we select a Replenishment supplier,

From this screen we can also create Ad-Hoc orders

- Create an order for all non Replenishment Suppliers



- Create an order for Replenishment Suppliers

As explained in detail in the introduction, Replenishment Suppliers supply stores on a set periodic basis and therefore ordering products from them works slightly differently


Important to note

In the configuration module, under supplier, we can configure any supplier, when being used in a multi store organisation, to request approval from Head Office before sending the order to the wholesaler in question.



You can view these ordered items that have been sent to Head Office for approval from the Manage Orders screen also.


Create an Ad Hoc Order

Ad Hoc orders are orders that can be sent on an ad hoc basis to suppliers as an additional order to any orders that may be "pending" for sending to that particular supplier.

So what happens is that you may have a number of products on "pending" for a particular supplier.

You may wish to send an urgent order to that supplier prior to sending the order that is pending.

This is the reasoning behind "Ad Hoc" orders.

One other use of "Ad Hoc" orders is where an order that has not been set up on the Rx 365 system lands on the shop floor.

In order to keep the stock quantities correct and to keep a record of all purchase orders, it is a useful tool to be able to set up an "Ad Hoc" order on the spot.

Note that Ad Hoc orders will never be sent to Head Office for approval


If you wish to have accurate average costs for products recorded on the system this is essential.

- Suppliers Tab

This tab displays a list of all suppliers and the quantity of all products that are at a certain status e.g. to send, to check in, exceptions and to return

It is a good way to identify any rogue suppliers or any products on any supplier that they shouldn't be assigned to

In this screen we can also add products to any order

- Manually Add Products to an Order

Note: Products can also be easily added to an order in the Manage Orders tab but this screen has the added advantage of allowing you to check if the product is already ordered or on order



You now have two options

  1. Click Cancel once you have learnt that the product is already part of an existing order and there is no need to order it
  2. Click Add Anyway which will bring you to the 'Add Item to Order' screen displayed below, allowing you to add this product to the pending list for your chosen supplier. Note that the system will automatically select the default supplier; however you can change this if you wish.

