1. Displays the Product Name, Pack Size, Display Name
2. Displays the Supplier its currently assigned to, The Manufacturer & GMS Number of the product
3. Displays the Product Status & If it is Maintained by the IPU or Maintained Manually
4. Displays the Warnings attached to this product
5. Displays the IPU Barcode & Product Barcode(s)
Pricing Tab
The left hand section of the Pricing tab is not in use and can be ignored.
On the right hand section of the Pricing tab you will find important details for selling the product at the till:
Cost (Avg Purchasing): This field cannot be edited. This field will show you the Average Purchasing cost price of this product as per the average of all cost prices entered against orders of this product when it is being booked into stock. For more information on how purchasing costs work please consult our [Ordering] section.
Aegis Cost: This field cannot be edited. This field is not in use and can be ignored.
Pharmachem Cost: This field cannot be edited. This field is not in use and can be ignored.
Recommended Price: This field cannot be edited. This field is not in use and can be ignored.
WEEE Charge: If the product in question is subject to a Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment charge you can enter that charge here. This charge will be added to the price of the product when sold at the till.
VAT Type: This shows the VAT Rate assigned to the product and allows you to change it if needed.
For more details on how Ordering functions within TouchStore Rx, please see our Ordering section.
- The Orders tab in the Product Maintenance screen allows you to view and change information related to how and when products are ordered along with stock information.
Reorder Method:
Manual: Products must be intentionally added to an order list and sent manually
Replacement: Dispense HALF (1/2) a Pack of a product or sell ONE (1) of a product and ONE (1) Pack is placed on an order list.
Reorder Level: Once your Qty on Hand hits or goes below the Reorder Level value, a number of Packs equal to the Reorder Qty is placed on an order list.
Reorder Level: For products with a Reorder Method of Reorder Level this value specifies what value of Qty on Hand at or below which an order of this product is triggered.
Reorder Qty: For products with a Reorder Method of Reorder Level this value specifies how many packs should be added to the order list when an order of tihs product is triggered.
Quantity on Hand: This is the current number of packs of this product that our system estimates you have "on Hand" in your pharmacy. This value is brought down by dispenses and brought up by booking orders into stock.
Lead Time: This text field is not in use and can be ignored.
Pending: This field cannot be edited. This shows you how many packs of this product are sitting on any Pending list(s) for orders.
On Order: This field cannot be edited. This shows you how many packs of this product are sitting on an order that was sent to a supplier but has not been booked into stock yet.
Stock Take: This tickbox is not in use and can be ignored.
Max Order Quantity: This value defines at what point an order for a product should be flagged in the Orders module as being too large. If you only wish to keep a certain amount of stock of a product in store, for example, FIVE (5) packs, you could set this value to FIVE (5) and then any order quantities above FIVE (5) for this product will be flagged in the Orders module.
Quantity Last Ordered: This field cannot be edited. This shows you the quantity of this product last placed on an order that has been sent to a supplier.
Date Last Ordered: This field cannot be edited. This shows you the date an order of the product was last sent to a supplier.
Machine Quantity: This field cannot be edited. This shows the total Qty on Hand that has been entered into Robot Stock. This is only used by customers with a Dispensary Robot Integration. For more information on this please consult our RobotIntegration section.
Total Qty On Hand: This field cannot be edited. This shows your total Qty on Hand including any items that may have been ordered and delivered but have not been fully checked in to the system.
Bonus Info: This text field is not in use and can be ignored.
Dispense Info Tab
There is a lot of information in the Dispense Info tab that is covered elsewhere in this section. For the purposes of Pricing, the area we want to look at is in the lower left area of the screen:
IPU Cost: This is the main Cost Price that will be used when dispensing. For more information on how Pricing functions within TouchStore Rx please see our [Pricing] section.
PCRS Price: This field cannot be edited. This shows you the Reimburseable Price for ONE (1) pack of this product. This value is normally provided by the IPU Upload. TouchStore Rx will use this price when estimating the amounts you can expect to be paid for your End of Month claims when running reports from the system.
Below these two fields, you will find an area where you can set up and configure Price Points for this products. For more information and how and when to use Price Points please consult our [Pricing] section
- To setup a new Price Point against a product:
Click into the box or click on one of the Column Headers
- If you do not see information populate into this box then press DOWN ARROW on your keyboard
You should now have a record entered into this box.
For the Price Point column, click into the record, click the dropdown arrows, and then choose Price Point 1.
- If you do not have an option for Price Point 1 please contact TouchStore Support as you may be encountering a system issue or your environment might be more complex than a single store and we will need to guide you through a more complex pricing structure.
If you wish to apply a specific Dispense Fee for this Price Point enter it under the Dispense Fee heading
If you wish to apply a specific Markup Rate for this Price Point enter it under the Markup Rate heading
If you wish to apply a specific Container Charge Fee for this Price Point enter it under the Container Charge heading
If you wish to apply a specific Broken Bulk for this Price Point enter it under the Broken Bulk heading
For any of the value fields, if you do not wish to apply a value you can either enter 0.00 or leave the field blank. If you enter 0.00 then 0.00 will be applied. If you leave the field blank, an amount for that field may be applied depending on the settings against the scheme you are dispensing under. For more information and how and when to use Price Points please consult our Pricing section.
Stock Adjustments
Date: Date the item was dispensed (out) or the date it was booked in (In)
Type: Out means it was dispensed, In means it's booked into stock or adjusted
On Hand: What is currently in stock of this product
Adjusted: What the product stock was adjusted by
Resulting Qty What the stock qty is now after an adjustment or after it was dispensed
Actual Cost Cost Price of the Product
Reason Would display if it was a Dispense, Order, or an Adjustment
Linked Products
- Product Links are a powerful feature of TouchStore that allows you to link similar products together so that you can ensure that you are dispensing your preferred brand to patients. This allows you to better manage your stock holding and maintain your profit margins.