

1. Displays the Product Name, Pack Size, Display Name

2. Displays the Supplier its currently assigned to, The Manufacturer & GMS Number of the product

3. Displays the Product Status & If it is Maintained by the IPU or Maintained Manually

4. Displays the Warnings attached to this product

5. Displays the IPU Barcode & Product Barcode(s)

Pricing Tab

The left hand section of the Pricing tab is not in use and can be ignored.

On the right hand section of the Pricing tab you will find important details for selling the product at the till:




For more details on how Ordering functions within TouchStore Rx, please see our Ordering section.

Reorder Method:

Dispense Info Tab

There is a lot of information in the Dispense Info tab that is covered elsewhere in this section. For the purposes of Pricing, the area we want to look at is in the lower left area of the screen:


Below these two fields, you will find an area where you can set up and configure Price Points for this products. For more information and how and when to use Price Points please consult our [Pricing] section

Stock Adjustments


Linked Products
