Step 1: How to Add a New Price Change
- On the back office, navigate to 'Price Updates' & select 'Price Changes'
To add a new price change click
The below screen will then be displayed to you
Enter a description.
- This is the name of the Price File
Enter Cost Price Type
- allows you to select a cost price from cost price types created.
- Leave blank to update the list cost (cost you want the store to have going forward)
- You can create a new cost price type by clicking the + sign
- you can also edit a cost price type by clicking the edit button
Enter the start date.
- Note - The date has to be at least one day ahead of todays date.
Enter the end date.
- Leave blank if this is the cost going forward.
Apply Automatically
- Tick Apply automatically.
- This will apply the price file automatically in Head Office on the Start date entered.
- Tick Apply automatically.
Press Save
Step 2: Import the Price Change File
- The following screen will appear showing you a summary of what you have created.
Press the Upload File Button
Press Choose File – (the location that you have saved the Price File to on your computer)
Select the File and Press Open
Press the Upload Button
This imports the Price change file.
Step 3: Review / Edit the Price Change File
The Screen shows you the Import Results.
The screen shows you all the products alphabetically that have been imported on the price change file.
- Note none of these new Retail or cost price will take effect until the start date you have entered.
Add a New Product – You can add a new product to the price file manually by scanning a barcode or typing in the product description.
Product Name – The description of the product updated.
Cost Price – The New Cost Price.
Retail Price – The New Retail price
Optional Field – Supplier Reference – The Supplier Reference Imported
Edit Prices – You can edit a products price change.
Delete Button – You can remove a product from the update
- The file is now created and will not be applied to your system until the Start date applied to the Price file.
Note: You can make changes to the file at any time up to the start date.
To do this go to the Back Office
Price Updates-->Price Changes
Click on the Edit button.
- This allows you to make changes.
Delete – Click on delete button.
- This will delete the file.