Free Item - Spend Amount Free Item
Spend Amount Free Item promotion type allows stores to give a free product(s) to customers when the total value of the sale (excluding the free product(s)) reaches a specified amount. Example Spend €100 and get a free make up brush.
Amount determines the amount that has to be spent (excluding the free product(s)) to trigger the promotion
End/Start Date determines the dates the Promotion will be active
Products in this Promotion - Scroll down to add the product(s) that will be given for free if the total sale (excluding the free product(s)) reaches the Amount specified.
Note: If the total value of the sale is a multiple of the specified Amount further Free Item products can be given. If there is more than one Free Item product attached to this promotion and both products are scanned in a sale, that reaches the specified amount, the Free Item products are discounted based on which product is scanned first at the till.