Touchwrap import - This updates and imports all product information
How to import a Touchwrap
Go to the Back Office
Select 'product Imports'
- From the import type dropdown select Touchwrap.
- You can see the required format by choosing this button
Click 'Choose file' (Choose the file location that the file to import is located in on this computer.)
Choose your 'Import Action' - You have three options
Import and Update – This will import New Products and update existing products.
- Not used where you want to create a Price File for existing products as price changes.
Import Only – This will import New Product only and ignore existing products.
Update only – This will update only the fields you want to update.
You can use this for actions such as:
Update Range of product with New Supplier Link.
Update Descriptions of products.
Update VAT codes if there was a VAT change.
Update Category links.
Update Pack Sizes / Pack Size Types.
Do Not Overwrite Product Descriptions – When this is unticked and either 'import and update' action or 'Update only' action is chosen then when the file is imported the import will overwrite the existing descriptions of a product on the import
STEP 2: Run Import - Correct any invalid data and import the file.
The system checks each product and flags what needs to be fixed or deleted.
- Note – The Banner across the top of the screen will be pink.
'Invalid Product found.'--> Fix the product(s)
- System tells you what is wrong.
Edit button – edit the product to fix the problem and save.
Delete Button – Delete the product from the import.
- Product file can be imported when all errors are resolved.
- Note - The Banner on top of the screen will be Green
Press 'Import Products' at the bottom of the screen
Progress Bar appears.
Once the Progress bar reaches 100% the screen changes and shows you the results.
Barcode – Shows the barcode that was on the import
Product – The description of the product
Status – The Status of the Product. There are two statuses available.
Not Updated (Import Only) – System ignored this product on the import.
- These are shown first on the results.
Added – New Product Added
- These will be on subsequent pages after all the Not updated product are shown.
Pages available are shown at the bottom left of the screen.
- 50 products are shown on a page
Total Records – Total amount of products available is shown in the bottom right of the screen.