Required Fields to import a product file.
Column A – Promotion ID (The ID of the promotion you wish to add the product(s) to. See Reports / Listings / Promotions Listing to see the ID for each promotion)
Column B – Barcode (The barcode of the product to add to the promotion)
Build Import Promotions File
- There are four(4) steps:
Step 1 - Create each Promotions in the promotion’s module. See link to How to Create a Promotion
Step 2 - Get a list of promotions.
- To do this go to Reports--> Listings--> Promotion Listings Report
- The Report Displays:
- Promotion ID: - this is the ID that needs to be copy and pasted into the CSV file being created to import the promotions
- Name - - this is the ID that needs to be copy and pasted into the CSV file being created to import the promotions
Step 3 – Create Import file.
Example – Revive Range 30% Off (from the diagram above)
The structure of the CSV file to build is
- column A - the promotion ID
- Column B - the bar code to be linked to the promotion.
In the example below we have taken the promotion ID for revive vitamin range
In column A We have put the revive promotion ID in all of the lines that cover the revive product barcodes in column B.
Step 4 – Import file to link products to each promotion.
Sign into the Back Office
Go to 'Product Imports'
- Set the 'Import Type' to 'Promotions File'
- 'Select File'--> Click 'Choose File' and import the file. Your screen will look like the below
The system checks that each product has no errors.
When it has completed it shows a summary of what you have done on the screen this includes:
The Barcode added to the promotion
The Product - each product added to that promotion
Status - It will show the status of 'added'
Review the Promotion in the Promotions Module.
If you want to check what has been imported against the promotion, then go to:
Back office-->promotions, open the promotion that you want to check, and it will show the following:
Description - The name of the promotion.
Start date - The start date of the promotion.
End date - The end date of the promotion.
Product name - The product added to the promotion.
Retail price - the retail price it will sell at in the promotion before the promotion being applied.