Before you send a SMS to a Customer please make sure that you have a relevant template set up. There is always the option of free typing a message in the text box also.

How Do I Send a SMS message

Select the patient that you want to send the message to and then click Send SMS



This pop up Window will appear


There are two options here to send a SMS. You can choose from the template dropdown or Free type a message in the content section. If you choose to free type please be aware that there is a character limit of 160 per SMS message.

If you are using a template please see instructions as follows:

Select a template from the dropdown


This will now show you the Template with information already included


In the example above the following fields that are included will show the following information on the text

Practice Name = Name of Pharmacy

Patient.First Name = First name of patient as it appears on PMR

Patient. Surname = Surname of patient as it appears on PMR

You can now free type more information into the text box if needed. The mobile number the message will send to is the one that has been enetered into the mobile field in F3 patient maintenance section.

You can now send the message. There are two options here also.

Immediately = Send straight away


Selected Date and Time = set a time you would like the patient to receive the message


Click on this article link to see How to report on text messages sent