Step 1: How to Create a Hamper
Please Note: You can add up to 99 products per hamper
Login to Retail 365
Press on the 'Hampers' tile
Click on the
The screen displayed below will then appear allowing you to enter the relevant information for your new hamper
- Name: Type in the name you want to give the hamper
- Parents Store: If in a multi store setup then choose you Head Office, or if you are a single store then you'll only have your store to choose from
- Price: Type in the retail price you wish to sell the hamper at
Click the
The window displayed below will appear temporarily confirming that the hamper has been created correctly
A new field will then appear at the bottom of the page. From here you can add all desired products to your hamper
In the 'Product' field, scan the barcode/enter the product name of the product that you wish to add
In the 'Quantity' field, enter the quantity of the product you would like to have in the hamper
Click the
The window displayed below will appear temporarily confirming that the product has been added to the hamper successfully
The screen will then update with the product listed, as demonstrated below
From here you can add further products to the hamper
If you added a product in error, you can use the bin icon to delete it
If you need to start again, press 'Cancel'
The above screen displays the following:
- Price - This is the retail price you want to sell the hamper at. At anytime you can click into this field and change the retail price as you are building the hamper.
- Product - This shows you the products added to the hamper so far.
- Price - This field shows you the individual retail prices for the products you have added to the hamper.
- Quantity - This field shows you the quantity of each product making up the hamper.
- Total - This is the total retail price of the products if you were to sell them individually. Note the hamper price is controlled by the price field on the screen.
When you are happy with your hamper proceed to Step 2, 'How to print a barcode for a hamper'
Step 2: How to Print a Barcode for a Hamper
Login to Retail 365
Press on the 'Print Labels' tile
Click the
Enter the name of the hamper in the 'Description' field
Select "Hampers" from the "Print Labels For:" drop-down
Click the
The window displayed below will appear temporarily confirming that the print run has been created successfully
Click the
A screen, similar to that displayed below, will appear
Enter the quantity of hamper labels you wish to print in the relevant 'Print Qty' field
Please Note: it may be useful to search for the respective hamper by name using the indicated search bar to speed up your search
Once satisfied with the hampers you have added to the print run, click
The window displayed below will appear temporarily confirming the hampers have been added successfully
The screen will then update, with the hamper(s) listed, as demonstrated below
Once satisfied with the print run details, click the
The window displayed below will appear
- Select the appropriate label sheet from the 'Choose Label' drop down
- If you wish to skip a number of labels on the sheet before printing, enter the quantity into the second field
Click the
A seperate window will now automatically open in your browser, allowing you to print/view your barcode(s)
Click the printer icon, indicated in the image displayed above, to print the barcode(s)
The window will update allowing you to select the printer you wish to send the labels to and to print the labels using the indicated button
Once printed, click back to the original Retail 365 tab and click
Place the printed barcode on the hamper