You can now track the money contained in your safe through Retail 365. All transactions in and out of the safe can now be reported on and you'll be able to see at a glance, how much money is contained in your safe at any given time.
Please note Under the EpoS section, the "Can Edit Safes" application role must enabled to be able to create or edit a safe.
- Go to Config--> Application Roles-->Select role to edit i.e. 'Manager'-->Expand 'EPOS'-->Set 'Can edit Safes' to YES
Payment types to be added to Safe Accounting
- To add a new tender to the screen, you need to edit the tender type (in Config - Tender Types) and check the box "This tender type can be lodged".
- Note: The tender type Cash will always appear with the Safe Accounting module, you do not need to check the box for Cash