When entering a patient's PMR you may wantan explicit warning to appear to staff to advise them of important information relating to the patient's care.
On a patient's PMR on the top right hand section of the screen you will see a box with the headings Notes and Warnings.
By default, the Notes tab will be open and will display any notes that have been added to the patient's PMR.
To insert a Warning to a patient's PMR:
Navigate to the patient's PMR
You can now add the Warning in one of two ways:
Via the PMR
Via Edit (F3)
Via the PMR:
On the top right-hand section of the patient's PMR click the Warnings tab
Click on Warning and enter your warning in the box provided then click Alert. You can also have this PIN protected by clicking Conf Req(confirmation Required).
When Conf Req is enabled, then anyone navigating on to the patient's PMR will be shown the warning message you have entered and must enter their PIN to close out of the warning message.
Via Edit (F3):
Click Edit (F3) or press (KEYBOARD: F3)
Select the Notes tab
In the lower section of this screen you will see the Warnings section
- Click New to add a new warning record (KEYBOARD: ALT + W)
You will now need to enter the following pieces of information:
Date: This will automatically populate with the current date however you change it by clicking into the date and then clicking the small button that appears beside it which will show you a Date Picker allowing you to select the date you wish
Warning: This is the text of the Warning you wish to enter e.g. "Xarelto stopped 24.9.2019, check with GP for new script"
Alert: This tickbox controls whether the Warning will pop up on the screen when someone enters the patient's PMR.
Current: This tickbox can be used to ENABLE or DISABLE the warning e.g. if you no longer want the Warning to pop up if Alert is ticked but you do not want to delete the Warning for future reference.
N.B. If this is unticked, even if Alert is ticked, it will not pop up when entering the patient's PMR
- Conf Req: This tickbox controls whether the Warning requires a PIN to be entered in order to close out of it.
N.B. If Alert is not enabled then this setting will not have any effect.
- Staff: This will automatically populate with the name of the staff member who is logged in, based on the PIN that was last entered.
- Once you are happy with the information you have entered, click OK or press (KEYBOARD: ALT + O) to close the Patient Maintenance screen and save your changes