Advance Shipping Notices (ASN)

UNITED DRUG support a function known as Advance Shipping Notices (ASN) where they will provide an electronic listing of all items that will be provided nightly for orders sent to them via PIMS (broadband). The ASN file will allow for a user to automatically check in all of the products and quantities that arrive in the order without the need to count or scan the items. UNITED DRUG guarantee a 99% accuracy on these files.

If your UNITED DRUG supplier has ASN functionality enabled, then instead of booking in your stock through Waiting to Check-In, you will need to go to the ASN page in the Orders module.

N.B. if you look in Waiting to Check-In you will see the order but when you click into it, you will not be able to do anything with it and you will see a message at the top of the order advising you that the supplier is configured for ASN.