In order to add or update an existing Doctor/Professional details you will need to go to the configuration section.
Go to Modules on the right side of the PMR
Then select configuration from the menu. It will bring you into the following screen.
Then select the professional option at the top of the screen.
A pop up window of all existing Doctors/Professionals will appear.
Adding new Doctors/Professionals
The select the professional option at the top of the screen.
A pop up window of all existing Doctors/Professionals will appear.
Press the insert button
A blank Insert Professional pop up window will appear
Fill the details in and then press okay at the bottom of the screen to save
Editing Existing Doctors/Professionals
Use the search bar to look up a name if editing an existing doctor/professional
Once the correct person is selected you can use the edit button to update their details
Press okay to save any changes made
If the doctor you are setting up is a GMS dr please make sure that there is a GMS number in the GMS code field
Make sure that the correct type is selected for the Doctor/Professional
If the Doctor/Professional is going to be a Stock order script, make sure the rx type is selected correctly
For NON-DISPENSING (swabs, test strips etc...) choose Rx Type 2 Pink Slip
For Termination of Pregnancy items choose Rx Type 2 Blue slip
For DISPENSING OF DRUGS choose Rx Type 1 White Slip