Similar to Patient File Notes and Patient File Warning, you may want to add a record of Medical Conditions or Allergies that a patient suffers from to their PMR.
To add a Medical Condition:
Navigate to the patient's PMR
Click Edit (F3) or press (KEYBOARD: F3)
Select the Medical tab or press (KEYBOARD: ALT + M)
In the top half of the screen you will see Medical Conditions
Click on Medical Conditions and then press (KEYBOARD: INSERT)
You will then see a dropdown box appear
To choose an existing Condition, press the dropdown arrow and select an item from the list
To add a new Condition to the list, simply click into the dropdown box and type in the new Condition
Click OK or press (KEYBOARD: ALT + O)
N.B. These Conditions are just for staff reference. There is no functionality in the system that will make use of this information.
To add an Allergy:
Navigate to the patient's PMR
Click Edit (F3) or press (KEYBOARD: F3)
Select the Medical tab
In the middle of the screen, you will see Allergies and Contraindicated Conditions
Click New or press (ALT + W)
You will then see the Search Product window appear
Here you will need to search for a product that the patient has an allergy to
Search for the drug and then click Select or press (KEYBOARD: ALT + S)
You will then be brought to the Select Allergic or Contraindicated warning ATC Code screen
Here you will have the option to choose whether the patient is allergic to (A) the Group, (B) the Subgroup or (C) the Product.
Highlight the relevant record in the list e.g. Group, Subgroup, or Product, and then click OK or press (KEYBOARD: ALT + O)
You will now see that the option you have chosen has been added to the patient's list of Allergies and Contraindicated Conditions
When dispensing any drugs whose ATC Code matches the Group, Subgroup, or Product that has been added to the patient's list of Allergies and Contraindicated Conditions you will see the Allergy or Contraindication Interaction window appear advising you that the patient may have an adverse interaction with this drug: