Label Templates
- To access the label templates go to Modules->Configuration and select the Label Printing tab
- On the left, you will see Main Label Template and First Label Footer
Main Label Template allows you to choose the info you want displayed on the Main Label Body E.G. Drug Name, Quantity, Warnings etc.
First Label Footer allows you to choose the info you want displayed below the Main Label Body E.G. Patient Name, Surname & Dispense Date
Label Layout
Adjusting Sizing & Positioning of Label Information
- To adjust the sizing or positioning of the label you will go to the PC Stationery section
The FIRST dropdown controls the Drug Label
The SECOND dropdown controls the Bag Label
To configure any of the above, double click on the dropdown (take note of the stationery name i.e 'Double Label' as you will need to know this on the next screen)
The Maintain Stationeries box will then appear as displayed below
Highlight the name of your stationery you saw on the previous screen & click the EDIT button as displayed below
- The Edit Stationery box will then be displayed to you as shown below
- The below displays what Height controls a certain part of the label