Step 3: How to end a Stock Take
Once you have counted all the products you wish to include in the stock take click the
The below screen will then appear asking 'Are you sure you want to complete this stock take?'
- Click 'Yes, I'm done counting!' to complete it or 'Nope, more to do' to continue the current stock take.
- The Stock Take Results page will then appear detailing all information relating to the stock take
- Please note that all products sold throughout the duration of the stock take will be featured in the ‘Products that need to be re-counted’ section. To ensure accurate results we advise that all products listed in this section are recounted
- From here we can also run the Stock Variance report by clicking the ‘Stock Variance Report’ button.
- This report details the difference in quantity and value between each product count and the original quantity and value.
The “Stock Variance“ report contains the following columns:
- Product Name - The name of the product you counted
- Barcode - The barcode of the product counted
- Opening Qty - The qty of the product at the start of the stock take
- Opening Value - The original qty * average purchasing cost
- Variance Qty - The qty counted
- Variance Value - The qty counted * average purchasing cost
- Trans Adj Qty - The non stock take adjustments - sales, etc.
- Trans Adj Value - The adj qty * average purchasing cost
- Closing Stock - The current qty on hand
- Closing Value - The current stock * average purchasing cost
Please note - The Stock Take Results screen can be displayed during the stock take. As a result, we can run the Stock Variance report at any point during the stock take by clicking on the “Show Products Counted So Far” button in the stock take screen and then the ‘Stock Variance Report’ button. This report will not be fully accurate until you have completely finished the stock take.