You can run a number of base reports through the reports

How Do I Run Reports?

To Run a Report:

From the PMR Console, Click Modules then select Reports


The Reports Module will open with all 8 report groups displayed to the left of the screen


To expand each report group press the plus sign beside a group



Each report has its own set of parameters to help you refine the level of detail required from the report. Some reports may only be a high level summary, others may be down to an individual patient, within a specified date range, level.


Select the required parameters

Click on the Preview button to preview the report in a document format

Click on the Print button to print the report

How Do I Save Reports?

To Save a report:

From the Print Preview screen

Click the Save icon at the top of the Print Preview screen


The Save Report dialogue box will open


Choose a location to save the report from the Save in drop down list

Enter a name for the report in the File Name text box

Select the report Format from the Save as Type drop-down box

The list of available formats will depend on the programs installed on your system. DO NOT select the default file format of QuickReport file(QRP) as you will not be able to view the resulting file. Excel (.XLS) and Rich Text Format (.RTF) are recommended formats

Click Save when ready

The file will be created in the location you have selected with the name entered. Hit Alt & C to Close the Print Preview screen.