From 1st November 2023 onwards, TouchStore Rx will begin using the IPU Web Service instead of the previous FTP/file-based method.

Entering the IPU Username and Password

To begin using the IPU Web Service, you will need to add your IPU credentials to the dispensary system. These details can be entered in the IPU Upload Module as follows:

  1. Launch TouchStore Rx

  2. Click Start

  3. Open the IPU Upload module from the Modules menu

  4. Click the IPU Details button

    Entering your IPU account credentials

  5. Fill in the Username and Password fields with the credentials provided to you by the IPU

  6. Click the Verify button

When 'Verify' is clicked, Rx will ask the IPU to authenticate the supplied username and password. If the IPU say they are valid, the 'Verify' button will become disabled and the 'Save Details' button will become enabled as shown here:

Verifying your IPU account credentials

You may now save the username and password to the database by clicking the Save Details button.

If the account details are rejected, the below message will be displayed, and the 'Verify' and 'Save Details' buttons will not change.

IPU account details are rejected

How Updates Are Downloaded

Each night the IPU will make any changes from that day available on their web service. Between 10pm and 11pm TouchStore Rx will send a request to the web service using the saved IPU username and password.

TouchStore Rx will alert you on start-up if there are IPU updates that need to be applied:

IPU updates are available

Applying Updates

To apply all the IPU updates that have been downloaded, you must open the IPU Upload Module and click the 'Apply Now' button.

There are IPU updates that need to be applied

N.B. Please note - you will be unable to dispense on the machine that is applying the IPU Updates until they have completed

Once all changes have been applied, Rx will report that there are no more changes to be applied.

There are no more IPU updates to apply

As mentioned above, the IPU will make changes available each night (if there are any to be made) so make sure to apply these each day to ensure your product file stays up-to-date!