- Sales by Group (Year on Year) Report - The sales per category over a specified period in the current year and the same period of the previous year. The differences as regards quantity and value are also detailed, together with whether there has been an increase or decrease, year on year. The percentage increase or decrease is also shown. Other parameters can set for the report such as categories, stores and suppliers. The report can be filtered by applying ranges to any column
To run Sales by Group(Year on Year) report:
Go to Reports in the Back office
Then Navigate to Sales
Then select Sales by Group(Year on Year) report. An option screen like this will appear.
Input your date range and any other filter information needed. Then press run report. The report will look similar to this.
TY = This Year
LY = Last year
Diff = Difference between the two years
To Print or Save the report, use the functions at the top right of the page.