Retail 365 allows you to edit multiple products from the Advanced Search screen.
To Do this:
- Select Advanced Search from the retail 365 homepage
Apply any relevant filters or use one of your Saved Filters
Once you have applied the filter(s) and loaded your list tick the box beside the product(s) you wish to edit.
You can choose certain products by ticking the box beside the product name
- Alternatively, you can select all products that match your search by clicking the checkbox beside Name
- To edit the selected product click the pencil icon highlighted in the image displayed below
- Once you click edit the Multi Product Quick Edit window displayed below appears. This screen allows you to change the number of fields. These fields include Pack Size, Case Size, Supplier, VAT Rate, Expected Markup, Group and Status. If you do not want to change a particular field, simply leave the field blank
NOTE: You can also select a product and press the 'E' key on your keyboard to bring up the Quick Edit Screen
- Once you have made any changes you can press the Update Products button to save the products.