Using My Day
The top navbar also contains a Smart Search which allows you to search for patients from within My Day. If you wish to go directly to a Patients PMR from My Day. Simply search their name in the search box and press on the name. This will now navigate you to the PMR of the patient.
At any stage in any section, you can navigate to a persons PMR by pressing this icon or you can repeat a script by pressing this icon
Messages for Staff on My Day
You can leave a message for other staff members to receive and read on My Day. In the top right hand side of the screen there is the 'Conversation' function. Here you can leave a message. You create replies also.
To create a message press the compose new message button.
A screen will appear where you can send a message to all staff or one person in particular
When you have completed your message press save. Any unread message will appear on the front screen as per screenshot below.
Available information on My Day
Prescriptions Due
Click on the 'Prescriptions Due' section and a date selection will appear. Input the date range and press the refresh button to see a list of patients or the print button
to print the list of patients.
Phased Prescriptions Due
Click on the 'Phased Prescriptions Due' section and a date selection will appear. Input the date range and press the refresh button to see a list of patients or the print button
to print the list of patients.
Repeats Remaining
Click on the 'Repeats Remaining' section and a date selection will appear. Input the date range and press the refresh button. This will show you the patients that have repeats left. to see a list of patients or the print button
to print the list of patients.
Owed Dispenses
Click on the 'Repeats Remaining' section and a date selection will appear. Input the date range and press the refresh button. This will show you the patients that have owed dispenses on their PMR. to see a list of patients or the print button
to print the list of patients.
Loans Due
Click on the 'Loans Due' section and a date selection will appear. Input the date range and press the refresh button. This will show you the patients that have loan dispenses on their PMR. to see a list of patients or the print button
to print the list of patients.
MDS Dispenses Due
Click on the 'MDS Dispenses Due' section and a date selection will appear. Input the date range and press the refresh button. This will show you the patients that have MDS dispenses due in selected date range. to see a list of patients or the print button
to print the list of patients.
Tasks Completed
Click on the 'Tasks Completed' section. A screen will appear like below that will list all the tasks that have been completed. They will only appear here when they have been marked as completed.
Creating a TS RX task
On the right hand side of the my day page click the 'Create one' button
A create new task page will now appear. Fill in the relevant details.
When you have saved the task it will now appear on the front page like image below.
It will also appear on the 'Tasks by Date Due' section
Just click on the task to see the information and then click complete when task is done.
Recent Patients
Click on the 'Recent Patients' section and a list of the most recent dispenses will appear.
Current Claim Status
Click on the 'Current Claim Status' section and a grid showing current claim month scripts. This grid is an overview of your current claim month and will tally with the screen that you would see if you were in the claims module of Rx365.