Please Note - While a stock is in progress you will not be able to check in any orders
Step 1: How to Create a Stock Take
- On the Back Office home screen, select 'Stock Takes'
- To begin a stock take choose the type of stock take you wish to perform – 'Selective' or 'Zeroising'.
By choosing a “Selective Stock Take” the uncounted items are not zeroised at the end of a stock take.
- “Selective Stock Take” option is used where periodic stock takes of random or specific products are done and you do not want to zeroise all products you have omitted.
Choosing "Zeroising Stock Take" will automatically zeroise ALL products included in the stock take that are not counted. Please note: This is irreversible.
- If you wish to count your entire product range there is an option to tick "I want to count my entire product range"
- You can then filter the product list you wish to include in the stock take in four ways:
- From the Current Stock drop down you can
- Ignore stock quantities
- Only Negative Quantities
- Only Positive Quantities
- From the Current Stock drop down you can
- Customer Filter - Allows you to run your stock take based on:
- High Value Items - Based on List Cost Price
- Top Sells - Last 90 Days
The Supplier dropdown can limit the stock take to products assigned to a specific supplier.
The Product Status allows you to filter by and view:
- Only Active Products
- Only Dormant Products
- Only Inactive products
- Only Discontinued Products
- Only Seasonally Discontinued products
The Category dropdown can limit the stock take to a products assigned to a specific category.
The Last Counted date can also be used as a filter.
- Please note: The combination of the “last Counted” with the “Positive Stock Level” can help identify “False Positives”, where products that are not actually in stock and have not been actually counted or zeroised since a particular date.**
The No. Products - This is the number of products to count