Sales Targets
This tab allows you to add sales targets for the store and staff members in Retail 365
These targets can be used to encourage better sales performance for the entire store or specific sales categories
The staff sales target set are shown on the XPOS till screen each time the staff member logs on to do a sale.
Please Note: Before proceeding with setting up these targets you MUST set the trading hours for your store in the Store settings tab first
To set the trading hours
go to the back office-->Configuration-->store settings
Scroll to the bottom of the screen to 'Trading Hours'
- If you're doing this from Head Office, in the top right-hand side of the screen choose from the drop down the store you want to set the trading hours for.
Enter the trading hours for each day.
- Note if you do not trade on Sunday then leave it as 00:00
Once your hours have been entered the system will calculate and assign a weighting to each day of the week
This weighting tracks what percentage of sales occur on each day of the week
The screen is split into two sections:
- Store Targets: This section displays all of the monthly store targets that have been set
- Staff Targets: this section displays all of the weekly staff targets that have been set
How to Set Targets for your Store
The Staff Targets are dependent on the Store Targets being set so you must set the Store Targets first
Stage 1: Setting a Store Target
Login to Retail 365
Press on the Config tile
Select the Sales Targets tab
Click the
The screen displayed below will now appear allowing you to make the following selections:
Choose Period: This is the month that you want to set targets for. The list will always show three months from today’s date so you can set targets up to three months in advance
Set Targets By: Here you have three options on how your targets will be set to choose from:
Entire Store - This option allows you to set a target for the entire store. The store can hit this target by
selling items across all categoriesSales Group Level 1 - This option allows you to set targets for each of your level 1 sales groups
Sales Group Level 2 - This option allows you to set targets for each of your level 2 sales groups
Choose Store - This additional selection will only appear upon choosing to set targets by sales group level 1 or 2. It is simply the store for which you wish to set targets
Press the
The screen displayed below will appear allowing you to set the percentage increase/decrease for the store/ category
This screen shows a list of either stores or categories along with the following information:
Sales LY - This is the total value of sales for this period last year
Trading Days LY - This is the total number of trading days for this period last year
Trading Days TY - This is the total number of trading days in the upcoming period
Difference - The difference in trading days between the two periods. This may influence how you set your targets
Target Increase - The % increase (you can also set a decrease by setting this to a negative value) you expect to achieve in the upcoming period)
Sales Target - The actual target value you expect to achieve in the upcoming period
Note: When you enter a % increase the sales target will automatically be worked out and vice-versa
In the example displayed above, 2600 was entered into the Sales Target field and the application automatically worked this out to be a 35.19% increase
Please Note: You can increase/decrease targets for all stores/categories by the same value at once by entering a value in the field indicated in the below screenshot and clicking the
Click the
to save the targets
You will then be taken to a screen similar to that displayed below which displays the daily targets for your store for the entire month
If the store hits the suggested targets indicated in this screen each day, then the originally entered target will be reached for the period selected
Now that the Store Target has been set it’s time set targets for our Staff
Stage 2: Setting a Staff Target
Login to Retail 365
Press on the Config tile
Select the Sales Targets tab
The screen displayed below will now appear allowing you to make the following selections:
Store: The store you wish to set the staff targets for
Period: The week you wish to set the targets for. Please Note that you must have set a Store Target for the periods to be displayed on this list
Press the
A screen similar to that displayed below will then load which will resemble a blank table
The days of the week are listed along the top and the Expected Targets for each of these days are along the bottom
The next step is to begin adding the staff that are working during this period so that their targets can be set
To do so you can press
A window will then appear allowing you to add staff members
Check the tick box beside the staff members that are working during this period and click
Your updated table, including the staff you selected, will now display
For each staff member/day there are two fields displayed on the grid:
Hours: The total hours that staff members will work in this day
Target: The derived target for that staff member
Once you start to enter in the hours for each staff member their targets are automatically populated based on the expected target for the day and how many other staff members are working that day
Once completed you should have a grid that looks something like:
Please note: You can also manually override the Target field and enter in the Targets for each staff member/day yourself. In this case, you should leave the Hours fields blank. Once you are happy with the targets simply press Confirm Targets to save them. And that’s it - your targets are now set!
Click the
The window displayed below will appear temporarily confirming that the staff targets have been saved successfully.png
- To check how your staff are performing throughout the day you can run the Today’s Sales Targets by Staff Member Report