Adjustment Reasons
This tab houses your Retail 365's stock adjustment reasons
A stock adjustment reason must be chosen every time you manually alter the stock of a product
Create a new Adjustment Reason
Login to Retail 365
Press on the Config tile
- Select the Adjustment Reasons tab
Click the
Click Yes, Delete this item or Nope, I want to keep it! to cancel
- The screen displayed below will then appear allowing you to enter a new stock adjustment reason
Click the
The window displayed below will appear temporarily confirming that the stock adjustment reason has been created successfully
Please Note: Stock Adjustment Reasons can also be deleted from the 'Adjustment Reasons' tab by clicking the or the
button beside the reason in question
Edit an Adjustment Reason
- Press on the Config tile
Select the Adjustment Reasons tab
Click the
icon to edit
Make the change you wish by typing in your new reason
- Click
to complete
Deleting an Adjustment Reason
- Press on the Config tile
Select the Adjustment Reasons tab
Click the
icon beside the reason you wish to remove
Click Yes, Delete this item! to delete it or Nope, I want to keep it! to cancel the deletion