Move Stock
The 'Move Stock' button on the PoS home screen allows you to create a Stock Movement without needing to go to the Back Office. This can be really helpful when moving items from/to the dispensary for example.
To do this:
Sign into the POS screen using your pin no.
Click the 'Move Stock' button
Scan in the product barcode you wish to make the adjustment for.
You can then choose if you want to move the stock in or out, and also select the quantity to move.
The 'Reason' field will default to “DISPENSARY STOCK”. This is a special adjustment reason that comes as a default option for all stores.
- You can change this reason by tapping the Reason dropdown and choosing a different reason
To create new reasons go to the back office> Config> Adjustment Reasons> Add New Stock Adjustment Reason
Click 'move stock'
The below message will then be displayed