- If a patient is part of a GMS or DPS Family, you will likely want this to be reflected in the system so that the patient is charged the correct amount for dispenses within a given month
GMS Family
To link a patient as part of a GMS Family, there are TWO (2) methods:
1. Via the Card Number
2. Via the Family Tab
Via the Card Number:
For a GMS Family, the system will automatically recognise that patients are part of a GMS Family if the first SEVEN (7) characters of the Card No. for the GMS Scheme for those patients match. E.G.
1234567A & 1234567B
Please note there are a number of GMS-type schemes that can also cause patients to be considered to be part of the same GMS Family, e.g. Hospital Emergency, GMS Dental -
The system will also match against these Schemes if the Card No. for each patient is similar.
DPS Family
To link a patient as part of a DPS Family, there is only ONE (1) method:
1.Via the Card Number
For a DPS Family, the only way that the system can recognise that patients are part of a DPS Family is if the first SEVEN (7) characters of the Card No. for the DPS Scheme for those patients match.