How to Create a non Replenishment Supplier
Login to Retail 365
Press the Config button
Select the Suppliers tab
Click the
Enter the information in the relevant boxes
- Tick the boxes displayed below where appropriate:
Tick Supplier to make it an ACTIVE supplier
Tick Wholesaler if the supplier you're creating supplies directly to you
Tick Require Orders to be Approved before sending them to a supplier if your Pharmacy is part of a multi- store operation & you do not want Local Stores ordering without Head Office approval
Tick Update Products for This Supplier when doing an IPU Upload If you want your products pricing that are assigned to this supplier to be updated by the IPU
Once you are satisfied with all the entered information click the Save Supplier button.
The Store Specific Details screen, displayed below will now appear
Enter the relevant information in the various fields
Since we are setting up a Non Replenishment Supplier, ensure that the two fields highlighted in the above image are left un-ticked and at zero