Once you have created a New Product you will be brought to the Product Maintenance screen which allows you to configure your product in more detail. (We can access this Product Maintenance screen at any time by searching the product name on the main screen)

Product Page

As displayed below, the Product Maintenance screen is split into 12 different tabs:


Product Dashboard

This screen shows a high-level overview of the important properties of a product including selling price, cost price, Date Last Received, TouchStore Product Code & and Supplier Reference. The screen also shows the last 10 stock movements for the selected product.

5D197B9A-B047-476C-B914-DEEAF7B2A757 3D976B08-10EF-43D5-A213-E2D819534569

General Information

This tab displays all the general, basic information that was entered when the product was initially entered i.e. Product name, Expected Mark-up, Supplier etc.

Order Info

As displayed below, The Order Info Tab allows us to configure all ordering-related settings for a particular product



This tab allows us to configure all price-related settings for the product. The screen is divided into 4 sections, all of which are displayed below and for these, we can:

4B00F3A1-4FD3-44B4-BEC0-5E5B0F84B1F9 4E47A7F0-4F2C-4708-88DD-868B2B778676 8F9D16D2-C0B9-4FA3-A6AC-107C74015D36 555C757E-9F55-4128-8A8A-61993511D0F1


This tab allows us to update and view stock quantities in store, stock levels across other branches and allows you to stop tracking stock levels

8909E440-C87B-4113-B43A-9245D052CEEE 8B1D6245-78B2-4B76-B629-4BD67DB136E8 631F4877-690F-4091-B960-0C783B4A14E8

Stock Movements

This tab allows us to view the stock movements of a product whether it be a Sale, Stock Take, Order, etc..



This tab allows us to edit the group that the product has been assigned to and assign a location to the product e.g. aisle 1 etc.



Tags are used as an Identifier. Tags can be added to products and they are used to narrow your product search


This tab allows us to view any pre-existing barcodes or add a new barcode.It also allows us to view the Touchstore Retail Product Code that Retail 365 has assigned the product. This code is essential when looking up the product by text on the till


HO Updates

If HO Syncing is enabled in Store Settings then products will be automatically synced with Head Office when Head Office creates a Product Export. Here you can disable some attributes from being synced automatically



This tab allows us to insert and edit any advice messages to the product



This tab allows us to insert and edit alert messages to the product