Login into Retail 365 and select the Price Updates Tile
From the black bar choose Price Changes
In the Price Changes tab, you can Apply a price change, Delete a price change, Add a new price change and Edit a price change.
How to Apply a Price Change
- To apply a price change click apply next to the required change
- This will open the following screen
Here you select which products to apply the change to.
Once you have selected all necessary products select Update Selected Prices
- A message will appear displaying if the update was successful & all products on the screen will go green
Once the price changes have been applied can click finish
You will see the following screen which will display how many changes were made and allow you to print changes and create new shelf labels
Select 'Print Price Changes'
Chose Label Type from drop down.
- Press Print Shelf Edge Labels button
- This opens up a new instance in the chrome browser.
- Screen shows a review of the labels to be printed.
- Press the Print icon on the screen & then press the print button
Close the browser for the Shelf edge labels.
Go back to Retail 365 back office that is open
Clicking I'm done! will mark the price change as completed and remove it from the list of price changes.
Price file completed gets put into history