Advanced Functions - Reactivate / Decommission
Aside from the day-to-day Verification and Dispensing functions of FMD, TouchStore FMD all
Configuring TouchStore FMD
##**Configuration:** To get to the configuration settings open FMD and select Configura
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
## What is FMD (Falsified Medicines Directive)? The Touchstore FMD Application allows t
How to Access TouchStore FMD
## Dispensary PC If you are using **TouchStore FMD** from a PC running TouchStore dispe
How to Verify / Dispense Products
The main functions used day-to-day in TouchStore FMD are **Verification** and **Dispensing
How to Verify / Dispense products in Bulk
If you encounter a situation where you need to process products in bulk, e.g. decommission
Reporting - FMD Scan History
##**To access the FMD Scan History Report:** From the **Rx 365 Local Application** (or
Setting up TouchStore FMD on a new PC
In order to set up TouchStore FMD on a PC, you will need the following: + **An NMVO acc
Warnings and Alerts
When you scan products on FMD there will be 'Traffic light' colour alerts that will appear