Using an Android Handheld to count your products
When using a handheld to count your products and the stock take has been created you need to:
- Sign into Retail 365 on your handheld
- Click the menu button on the top left
- Select 'Stock Takes'
- If you have not started a stock take on the back office a message will display saying 'There is no stock take in progress currently'. See article Step 1: How to Create a Stock Take
- You will see the option for 'Scan Barcode'
- Scan your first product to be counted
- A screen will appear similar to the below
- There are two stock level options:
- Adjust Stock Level - If this is chosen, the new stock count qty will be added to the existing qty that is currently set.
- For example, you scan a NUROFEN, it shows currently two in stock. You find three more NUROFEN in the stock room, if you adjust the qty by three, the resulting stock qty will be 5
- Overwrite Stock Level ( This is the default ) - This will ignore the current stock. When scanned, the qty you enter into the Stock count will be the new stock qty.
- Adjust Stock Level - If this is chosen, the new stock count qty will be added to the existing qty that is currently set.
- There are two stock level options:
- Press Enter on the handheld or press 'Save Quantities'
- The following message will appear if you enter less than the quantity in stock
- The following message will appear if you enter more than the quantity in stock
- If you add a product that is not currently part of the Stock Take You will be asked if you want to add the product
- When you're happy that you have finished your stock take, you will need to end your stock take from the back office on from your PC or laptop. See article on how to end your stock take