How to Hold items on an order
If you have an existing order and you do not wish to send all items on the order, there is the option to HOLD items. This will keep them on the order list but will NOT send them to the supplier. They will only send when they have have been unheld and put back on the order list for ordering.
To hold items on an order firstly select the items by ticking the tick box bedside each one.
Then press the button.
You will then get a message to say that the items have been successfully updated, in this case held.
The Items will look like the following when they are on hold on an order list
How to Unhold items on an order
Items on hold on an order list will look like this
To unhold items on an order firstly select the items by ticking the tick box bedside each one
Then press the button
You will then get a message to say that the items have been successfully updated, in this case Unheld.
The Items will then be put back on the order list to be sent (line colour will will change from blur to white )
How to move an order to another supplier
If you wish to move the whole order or some of the order items to another supplier you can do this by using the move function.
Select the items you wish to move to another supplier by ticking the tick box beside each one
Then press the button
A supplier dropdown box will appear with the option to select which supplier you want to change items to. In this example Uniphar. Then press MOVE Items.
When they items have been moved you will get this message
You can now go to that supplier and see the items on that order list
NOTE: If you wish to select whole order just tick the box and this will select all of the items on the order together