Orders Awaiting Approval
**N.B. This tab only features in Head Office Stores of multi-store organizations** Touc
Current Promotions/Next Month's Promotions/Promotional Ordering
**What is Promotional Ordering?** Promotional Ordering is a feature that has been added
Email Order Templates
##Email Order Templates + **Account number:** Enter the account number for the store fo
History Tab
![17A4EE74-5C65-4F34-91BD-521D65E1C160](17A4EE74-5C65-4F34-91BD-521D65E1C160) This show
Holding/Unholding Items/Moving Orders
##How to Hold items on an order If you have an existing order and you do not wish to se
How Orders are Generated Based on the Selected Ordering Method
This article will give a general overview of how orders are generated according to the sel
How to Check a Products Current Order Status
To check a Products Current Order Status you will need to: + Open Retail 365 + Searc
How to Create an Order
##**How to Create an Order** Login to Retail 365 Press on the 'Orders' tile ![542
How to Create Returns
This tab allows us to return products back to the wholesaler ![CE5D4A42-A566-4242-8680-
Manage Backorders
##**Manage Backorders** ![6266635C-33E9-44B7-9D4D-4EED379EF0F5](6266635C-33E9-44B7-9D4D
Manage Orders- Screen Functions
#Manage Orders ![EF84379A-4427-4E06-BE84-32EC73EE9681](EF84379A-4427-4E06-BE84-32EC73EE
Order Tabs - Summary Explanation
##Order Tabs Summary Explanation + **Manage orders tab** - this section allows you to
Orders Awaiting Response
The **Orders Awaiting Response** tab displays any orders where we have not yet received a
Orders Dashboard Screen Explained
## Orders Dashboard Screen Explained The Dashboard displays order information for each
Reorder Methods Explained
**There are Four different order methods available in Retail 365 - Below each reorder meth
Setting/Changing Reorder Method of a Product
+ Open Retail 365 + Search your product using the Product Search box ![153E15C6-F3
![81EF2210-613E-46B2-9124-9F799633A643](81EF2210-613E-46B2-9124-9F799633A643) This Ta
Validate Returns
This tab allows us to view all the returns we have made that are waiting to be validated
Waiting to Check In
This tab allows us to check in the products that have arrived in store from a supplier, al