Email Order Templates
- Account number: Enter the account number for the store for that supplier.
- Rep first name: enter the first name of the contact person.
- Rep last name: enter the last name of the contact person.
- Rep e-mail address: enter the e-mail address of the supplier.
- Include the product supplier reference in the e-mail: when ticked it will include a supplier reference if there is one available against that product. The supplier reference is found indeed orders tab in product setup.
- Include the product EAN barcode in the e-mail: when ticked the primary bar code linked to the product will get sent.
- Include my account number in the e-mail: When ticked the account number for that store will get sent in the e-mail.
- Header text: You can enter a header text which will go on the body of the e-mail.
- Footer text: You can enter a footer text which will go on the footer of the e-mail.
E-mail structure sent to supplier
- Please click here to confirm receipt of this order: when an individual clicks on the button it takes them to a retail 365 screen and ask them to put in their name (optional) and press the confirm button.
- Press the confirm button and a reply comes back to say order confirmed successfully.
Orders Module -> Waiting to check in
- In the waiting to check in section and under the supplier that you just sent the e-mail order for you will see the following details when you look at the order.
- You will see the notification that the supplier has confirmed they have received the order, showing the name of the person you sent the e-mail to, the date and the time they confirmed the order had been received.