Order Tabs Summary Explanation
Manage orders tab - this section allows you to select a supplier and edit and make changes to the order on the screen. From here you can save your work or send the order to the particular supplier you're working on.
Current promotions tab - this will show you a list of the products on promotion that you can purchase.
Next month's promotions tab - this section will show you a list of the products that are on promotion in the following month that you can purchase.
Manage back-orders tab - this section will show you products that on delivery were short and you mark them as being on back order. When product comes in to fulfil something on back order it is this section you will go to complete it.
Order summary tab - this is the dashboard showing you a summary of your orders. It will show you how many orders are waiting to be sent, waiting to be checked in, flagged orders and orders that have shorts on them. the screen will also split your suppliers into favourites and recently edited.
Awaiting response tab - this section here is where you would go if you're not getting a response back from an order you have sent electronically in a given time. The order will be in the awaiting response tab and show you a status against that order.
Waiting to be approved tab - the system allows you to set up your staff roles so that staff member A can edit an order but not send it to a supplier. Staff member B will approve and send the order.
Shorts tab - this is where anything that can't be supplied by a wholesaler will be put for you to deal with.
Waiting to check in tab - this is where you will go to check in any orders that come into your store.
ASN tab - if you're using ASN deliveries where all orders placed in a given day with united drug, will get put on one delivery docket called and advanced shipping notice (ASN).
Flagged deliveries tab - this is the section where on the completion of an order if there are differences between the actual and the expected quantity and you have marked it as a flagged delivery.
Returns Tab - Allows you to return stock to a supplier.
History tab - all completed orders or deleted orders are placed into the history tab. When in the history tab you can click on any of the orders on the screen and it will open up the order and show you all the details for that order.
Below is an explanation of how each of the above tabs works
Manage Orders Tab:
To access sign into Retail 365 and select the 'Orders' tile
The 'Manage Orders' tab is then displayed to you
This opens your default wholesaler wants list.
- If the wholesaler’s name is not there- Click on the drop-down to the right of the supplier’s name and type in the supplier, you are looking for.
Once the supplier is highlighted in blue click on the supplier’s name.
This brings up all the products on order since the last time you placed an order.
Supplier drop down- this is the supplier that you're editing the order for.
Ad hoc order button - this allows you to add an order manually to the orders module to check in
add product button - this allows you to add another product if the add product to order field is hidden.
Print button - this will print out the order.
Expand - this will expand the orders module to a full screen.
Delete button - this will delete any products selected with a tick on the left-hand side.
Hold button - this becomes active when you put a tick against a product on the left-hand side or if you put a tick against the quantity header to choose all products on the screen. When you then press the hold button it will hold the products on the screen and when you press the send request it will not send those products that are held.
Unhold button - this becomes active when you put a tick against a product on the left-hand side or if you put a tick against the quantity header to choose all products on the screen. When you then press the unhold button it will unhold the products on the screen that were held previously and when you press the send request it will send those products that have been taken off hold.
Move button - this allows you to move a selected item(s) to a different supplier's order list
Edit Order
Qty Field - Edit the quantities being ordered against each product on the left-hand side.
Enter zero as the order qty if do not require the product.
Hold Button - Hold a product so that it is not sent today
Tick the product(s) on the left-hand side.
Press the hold button
Line turns blue and the product gets put to the bottom of the list.
Unhold Button – To release a product on hold so that it will be sent today
Tick the product(s) on the left-hand side.
Press the unhold button (beside the Hold Button)
Line is released from hold and is added to the order to be sent today.
Add product to this order field
Scan a barcode to add a product to the order manually.
If Add product field is not their press Add Product button
- The below screen pops up showing you order information about the product
Quantity Field - Enter quantity required
Add to order button - Press Add to order.
Product gets added to the order.
Transmit Order
When finished editing the order
press Transmit Order
order gets sent to Wholesaler.
The system will now start to build the next wants list from this point.
Save Order
When finished editing the order
press Save Order
order gets saved.
You can go back later to complete the order.
- Top right of screen you have a notification button (shape of a bell)
When the order sent has been received by the wholesaler a reply is sent back to the store
Quantity being supplied and cost of product is sent back.
The Order is placed in the Waiting to check in Tab.
Current Promotions Tab:
This function is mainly used by groups and allows you to have your product that is on promotion in this section it will show an image of the product and the offer, the cost and an option to order the product on this screen.
what has sold in the last 30 days
what is in stock in your store.
what is in the cart already for this product
Add product to order
click on the plus or the minus buttons to adjust the stock you want to order for each product.
Add to order button - press the add to order button to add the products you want to order and these get put in your cart.
Check out your cart
- Checkout button - press the checkout button to complete the order
Checkout summary screen opens
edit cart - this allows you to go back and edit the cart and update it.
Order Summary
Product name button- Shows the supplier that the product will be ordered from.
Add item to this order - This allows you to add another item to the order.
Quantity field - Shows the quantity ordered. You can change the quantity to order by clicking in the quantity field and changing the quantity against the product. Press the save order to update the quantity changed.
Cost price field - This is the cost price of the product on offer.
Total cost field - This is the total lying cost.
Delete Button - This allows you to delete a product from the cart.
Save button - This allows you to save anything that you have changed on the screen.
Place order(s) button -This will place the order with the supplier and put the order into waiting to check in
Next Month's Promotions Tab
This function is mainly used by groups and allows you to have your product that is on next month’s promotions in this section it will show an image of the product and the offer, the cost and an option to order the product on this screen.
- Adding a Product to an order & Checking out your cart, works the same way as in the 'Current Promotions tab'. - Explained above.
Orders Summary Tab
The order summary tab is a dashboard giving you an overview of your orders. You can click on any of the suppliers to open up that supplier to review the products on order and transmit the order.
- + order product button - adds the search for a product field to allow you to search for a product that may be on order at present. A response will come back if it is found on an existing order.
Add anyway button - From here you can add it to another order by clicking the add anyway button and choosing the supplier.
Filter suppliers’ field - This allows you to type in the name of the supplier you wish to find.
Waiting to send field - This is the number of orders that are waiting to be sent in the manage orders section.
To check in field - This is the number of orders in the waiting to check in section.
Flagged items field - This is the number of flagged items you have at present. A flagged item is an item where the actual quantity being delivered was different to the expected quantity.
Shorts field - This is the number of shorts in the shorts section at the moment. These should always be dealt with if the number is greater than 0.
Shown in the above screenshot is the following:
Supplier header - This is the name of the supplier.
Total items header - This is the total items on order with that supplier
Last edited header - This indicates the last time this order was edited.
Last ordered header - T his indicates the last time an order was placed with this supplier.
Favourites star - You can click on the star on the right-hand side to add or remove a supplier to your favourites list. If you click on the empty star that supplier will get added to the top of the list as a favourite
Awaiting Response Tab:
This tab displays any orders where we have not yet received a response from a supplier/wholesaler within 5 minutes that they have received your order.
Contact your supplier to see if there are any issues.
Your order will be displayed as shown below if we have not received a response after 5 minutes
Waiting to be Approved Tab:
The system allows you to set up your staff roles so that staff member A can edit an order but not send it to a supplier. Staff member B will approve and send the order.
Go to 'Manage orders' - edit the order that you want to send to a supplier now.
Transmit the order - press the transmit order button to finish your order.
The below message will pop up - press OK
- This order has now is now waiting for approval by a manager or another staff member who has the authority to approve orders. This order has not been sent to the supplier at this point.
To send an order waiting to be approved
Go to Orders -> waiting to be approved section
Supplier ->Select from the dropdown the supplier you wish to look at
Sales from & Sales To Date fields - Type in the days range you want to look at for the sales.
Stock buffer - This defaults to 20% but you can change this figure. The buffer adds whatever percentage you put in here to your order for the product's on order
Store - If you were in head office you could look at all stores in one go using this function. If you're in a local store then you will just look at your order for your store.
Load products button - Press the load products button to bring up the order on the screen.
Search Again button - You can go back to search again by using the search again button.
Add product to this order field - You can add a product to the order screen by using this field.
Product header - Shows the name of the product
stock header - Shows the stock level in your store.
Sales header - Shows the quantity sold in the date range you chose.
Short header -
Last year header - Shows the quantity sold in the same same date range for last year
Short header –
Overage header –
To order header – The qty that will be ordered.
Save button – Saves any changes you have made
Create/Send order button - Creates/sends the order
Order items waiting to be approved
Shorts Tab:
After your orders have gone to your default wholesaler(s), you need to review the shorts
Go to Orders –> Select Shorts from the sub menu
- Here, you have 3 options for products that are short. Tick each short you are dealing with (Tick the 'supplier' box to select all shorts on the list)
- Pending button - This puts the product back on order to the wholesaler it was short from.
- Reorder button - This allows you to chose from the supplier list the supplier you wish to re-order the products from
- Delete Button - Deletes the products selected
Waiting to Check In Tab:
- Go to Back Office-> Orders-> Waiting to check in tab
This opens up the waiting to check in screen showing you all the orders waiting to be checked in.
Date - The date the order was transmitted to the supplier.
Supplier - The supplier’s name.
Number Column – This is the unique number we create for an order. This can be shown under the Your Ref on the Invoice from the Wholesaler.
Number of lines header - This is the number of lines on the delivery.
Exceptions header - This is the number of exceptions the supplier had for that delivery.
Flagged header - This is the number of items flagged on the order.
Verified header - This is the number of items that the supplier has verified that they will deliver.
- Green tick - This signifies that it has been verified by the supplier.
Select the order you want to check in
A screen similar to the below will then be displayed to you
The above screen displays:
Order Number --> Generated by the system
Back Button --> Brings you back to the list of orders waiting to be checked in.
Print button --> Prints the order
Received Button --> They Qty received
Delete Button --> Deletes the order from waiting to check in
Reorder Button --> Allows you to reorder from another supplier
Backordered Button --> Allows you to set an item(s) as backordered
Flag Button --> Allows to too flag an item(s) which then gets moved into 'Flagged deliveries' tab
Autofill Button --> Auto fills the order i.e. Received Qty's
Add Product Button --> Allows you to add another item to the order to be checked in
Add Fields Button (cog) --> Allows to add in more fields i.e. 'Show Invoice RRP'
Product Name --> Displays the name of the product(s)
Barcode ---> Displays the barcode of the product
Received Quantity --> Displays the received qty (this is what the supplier sends back)
Cost --> Displays the Cost Price of the item
Retail Price --> Shows the current Retail Price of the product
Vat --> Shows the VAT Rate set against the product
Line Margin --> Displays the Actual Margin
Bonus--> Allows you to add in a bonus
% Discount --> Allows you to add in any discount
Total --> Displays the total
Order Details
Fill in Invoice No from Supplier
Add any notes against order (Damaged Stock / Shortages / Pricing issues).
If you have made any edits, you can press the
button, this will ONLY save the changes. It will NOT book in the order
If you wish to Check in the order, press
and your items will be booked into stock. If the Message All Cost Prices are the same appears – press YES
This button allows you to create an order that was not sent via the system i.e. you received an order from a REP. From here you can create the order, add the items you received and book them into stock.
When you click this option, you will choose the supplier from the list
Press 'Create Order'
Scan your first item and the below screen will then appear
Quantity -> Enter the quantity being delivered.
Invoice Cost -> Enter invoice unit cost.
Expected Bonus -> Free Stock – enter free stock amount here
Expected Discount -> Enter line discount here.
VAT Rate -> Vat rate against the product is shown.
Invoice RRP -> If you want to change the Retail price at the point of delivery you can by entering the new retail price here. When you complete the order, the system gives you the option to print out the price changes.
Line Margin –> Shows the margin you will achieve based off existing Retail Price.
Invoice RRP Mark up Grid -> Shows the Retail price based off different mark ups. The retail price is calculated from your invoice cost entered.
Add to Order -> Click the add to order button to add product to the order
Scan your next barcode & Repeat the above for all products
Fill in Invoice No. from Supplier
Add any notes against order (Damaged Stock / Shortages / Pricing issues).
- Press 'Complete Order' at bottom of Screen
If the Message 'All Cost Prices are the same' appears – press YES
Order is now booked into stock
ASN Tab:
With the advanced shipping notice function you can place multiple orders wait the wholesaler during the day and all of the orders placed will be put into a single advanced shipping notice.
The above displays the following:
Confirm delivery button - When you choose an ASN on the left-hand side by ticking it the confirm delivery button becomes active and you press the button to book in the delivery.
Delete button - When you choose an ASN on the left-hand side by ticking it and then press the delete button it was delete that ASN.
Filter box - You can philtre the screen by typing in for example; the supplier name or an ASN number to find a particular delivery.
Tick box header - This allows you to select single ASN or multiple ASN’s by ticking each one. To select all of the ASN’s then press the tick box beside the date header.
Date header - This shows the days the ASN was created.
Supplier header - This is the supplier that the ASN is linked to.
ASN number header - This is the identifier generated for this ASN.
Number of orders header - This is the number of orders that this ASN covers.
Number of lines header - This is the number of lines being delivered on this ASN.
Booking in an ASN
Sign into the Back Office--> Select Orders--> ASN Tab
Tick the ASN(s) that you wish to book into stock.
Press the 'Confirm delivery' button. The ASN is now booked into stock
Unmatched Products in ASN will now show in Not on File
When an ASN is downloaded from United Drug, any products that do not yet exist on your product file are automatically added to the Products Not on File page.
From here, the product can either be merged with an existing product or created.
The barcode and cost price for the product is taken directly from the ASN.
- If a NOF is created or merged, any items that were previously ordered will show in the 'Flagged Deliveries' page where their stock can be updated.
Flagged Deliveries Tab:
Sign into the Back Office--> Select Orders--> Waiting to check in
Select an order to book in
Verify that the quantities are correct on the invoice
- Where an item is short on delivery , in the 'Received' column, Type in the quantity being delivered.
Repeat for any other products that are short
Press 'Complete Order(s)'
The below screen will then pop up
Option 1 – Do nothing and ignore the difference
When chosen this will book the full order in with the quantities you have entered as delivered
Option 2 - Mark the products as back-ordered
When chosen the system will book into stock the products where the actual quantity is equal to the expected.
For the products where the actual quantity being delivered is different than the expected, the system will create a new order number for these to allow you to book them in when they are delivered at a later stage.
When an item comes in that was on back order
Scan Barcode of product coming in on back order
This will open the product details screen
Select the Order Info tab
Under 'Current Order Status', it will show you if the product is waiting to be checked in - Click on where it says 'waiting to be checked in on Order no #'
This will then open the waiting to check in screen, open the order, type in the invoice number & press Complete Order
Option 3 - Flagged Deliveries
This is where the product that was either short on delivery that you marked it as short (the delivered quantity to the store was less than the delivered quantity in the Order screen) when booking the Order in.
The products in Red are short delivered that have been flagged.
- Enter a figure into the Add field if you found the stock.
Press the 'Resolve Selected' button
Products selected go green
- The products resolved are now updated for that transfer.
Returns Tab:
- Sign into the back Office--> Select Orders--> Returns
To Returns Stock to a Supplier
Sign into the Back Office
Go to Orders --> Returns
Remove the supplier selected in the middle of the screen
Select the supplier you are doing the return for.
Scan the product to be returned
Type in the qty to be retuned out of stock.
Press 'Add to Return'
Repeat for all other products.
Press 'Create return'.
- Press 'cancel' if not required to print out.
Validate Returns Tab:
Validate returns tab screen explained:
Validate selected button. When you tick any of the returns on the left-hand side it activates the validate selected button. When you then press the validate selected button it will book into stock the quantity of stock that you had on the return document.
Date header - The date the return was generated on.
Supplier header - The supplier the return was created for.
Number header - The number generated by retail 365 for the return.
Number lines header - The number of lines on the return.
Verified header - The number of verified lines on the return.
Edit return button - This will allow you to edit the return to view it or to make changes to it before you have validated it.
Tick box - You can select as many returns as you want to validate them.
History Tab:
This shows all the orders that have been dealt with. This includes deleted orders never booked in.
Deleted orders are in pink on the screen.
Blue line means the order failed to transmit
Click on any of the orders to view the details of that order.
It shows all the details from the order including when it was booked in and by who.
Print Button – You can print the order using the print button
Filter Button
This allows you to select from:
Date ranges.
A Supplier.
Order Number
Invoice Number
- Press 'Apply Filter' when selections are made.