N.B. This tab only features in Head Office Stores of multi-store organizations
Touchstore Support can configure stores in multi-store organizations to require approval from Head Office before any orders can be sent to the wholesaler.
In this tab, Head Office shops approve and transmit all orders sent from the branches. Head Office can also add products to orders as they wish
Please Note: In the “Orders” option in multi-store Head Office there is a dropdown list where a user logged into Head Office can go directly to the ordering screen for each branch and immediately be logged into the ordering option of the selected branch
How to Approve Orders from Headoffice
- Select the 'Waiting to be Approved' tab in the Orders Module.
The screen displayed below will appear
Begin by selecting the supplier of the order(s) you are looking to approve
The ’ Sales From’ and ‘Sales To’ dates default to 8 weeks ago and the current date.
- All sales made in this period will then be used in the ‘Overstocked’ or ‘Overage’ calculation
Enter a 'stock buffer'.
- This is set to 20% by default. This is also used in the ‘Overstocked’ or ‘Overage’ calculation
Then select the store(s) that sent the order you wish to approve.
- Leave this field blank to select all stores
A screen similar to the one displayed below will then appear
Note that each product ordered is listed with respect to every branch you selected in the original screen, regardless of whether the store has ordered this product or not. This allows us to add any of the products listed to an order of a branch that may not have ordered this product originally. To do this click Order and enter the quantity of the product you wish to order
There are a number of things we can do to alter the order from this page:
- To add a new product to the order, search the product name in the search box at the top of the screen. Once the product has been selected the dialog box displayed below will appear. Enter the quantity of the product you wish to order for each store. Click Add to Order once you are satisfied with the information you have entered.
- You can also change the quantity being ordered in the ‘To Order’ text field
Use the overage amount that Retail 365 has calculated for each product to gauge whether the product should be ordered or not. That is, if there is any overage the product should not be ordered but should be transferred from that store to a store with a requirement for that product. This is automatically done by the system, as detailed below
Once you are satisfied with all the order information you can click the Send/Transfer button
If there are any products with overages that can be transferred between branches rather than being ordered from a wholesaler, the system will notify you once this button is selected and a screen similar to that displayed below will appear
Simply select the products that you wish to transfer and click “Create/ Send” to send the Transfer Request to the branch with the overage.
Any products that have not been ticked will be ordered instead.