This tab allows us to view all the returns we have made that are waiting to be validated


Once the wholesaler has compensated the store for the products they have received back, the store can simply select the return from the list displayed in this tab and click the EB5511E7-EEA4-442B-830D-C7B2000D8A31 button


You can also edit a return before validating it by clicking the FA00169E-63F7-49D6-9BDB-61B4A39F5D12 button beside the return

The return selected will appear in a manner similar to that displayed below allowing you to make any relevant changes


If you wish to validate the return after making these changes, click the 'Complete Return(s)' button

Alternatively, you can click the 'Save Return(s)' button which will save the changes made and keep the return in the Validate Returns tab until validated