Manage Backorders


Please note that this tab is SOLELY used to deal with backordered items from Stock Transfers Request In. Any backordered items from regular orders are displayed in the History section and Flagged Delivery's tab

See article on Requests In & Requests Out


This tab houses all the items from your store's Stock Transfer Requests In that have been marked as 'Backordered'

For example:

Your store (Store A) recieves a Stock Tranfer Request from another branch (Store B) . If you are unable to send the requested quantity of a specific item you can mark this item as 'Backordered' (in yellow)



Upon sending this transfer, these 'Backordered' items will appear in the 'Manage Backorders' tab of the orders module for your store



Note that a new record will appear for Store B in the Stock Transfers module under 'Backorders'

From this tab you have two options:

1.Order the stock

2.Attach the stock to an existing order that has already been sent and is waiting to be check in. This order MUST contain the product that has been backordered, at the required quantity

Both of these options will resolve the back order and remove it from the 'Manage Backorders' tab on your Retail 365.

When this order is booked into stock a new stock transfer request will be automatically created for your store (Store A) in the Stock Transfers -> 'Requests In' page.

You can then complete this stock transfer request and Store B will be able to check it in

When Store B books this transfer into stock it will automatically resolve the backorder record in Stock Transfers - 'Backorders'

Option 1: How to Add a Backordered Item to the List of Items Waiting to be Sent to a Supplier

Login to Retail 365

Press on the 'Orders' tile


Select the 'Manage Orders' tab


Tick the box beside the items you wish to add to the order

Click the 0381A8B3-DC11-4632-973F-6D222C645B4D button

Select the supplier whose pending list you would like to add this item to


Click the 0D9899BA-59B2-4794-8454-284CA341476D button

The window displayed below will display temporarily confirming that the items have been added to your order successfully


Option 2: How to Attach a Backordered Item to an Order that is Waiting to be Checked In

In the event that you receive a stock transfer request and have already ordered the stock but have yet to physically receive it in store, this option should be used once the items have been marked a backordered

Login to Retail 365

Press on the 'Orders' tile


Select the 'Manage Orders' tab


Tick the box beside the items you wish to add to the order

Click the D5EE75D3-75BC-41F5-8D91-ECC6DC3DB285 button


Select the Order you would like to attach the item(s) to

Click the E68F152B-BFF6-44F3-B6A4-84C9D787696E

Please note that the order you select MUST contain the product in question, at the required quantity. If you select an order that does not meet these requirements, the item will remain in 'Manage Backorders' with all other outstanding backorders