Cross Transfers & Cross Requests Tabs
## Cross Transfers & Cross Requests Tabs ##Cross transfers + These are transfers int
Flagged deliveries Tab
##Flagged deliveries Tab In here you will see orders in a **YELLOW BANNER**, this signi
Flagged Transfers Out tab
##Flagged Transfers Out tab This screen shows you the transfers that the receiving stor
How to Delete Items from Stock Transfer Screen
##How to Delete Items from Stock Transfer Screen + To delete **ONE** product from
How to return to a Stock Transfer
##How to return to a Stock Transfer that was saved + Select ' Stock Transfers' from
How to View the Stock Transfer I just created
## How to View the Stock Transfer I just created + On Retail 365 Homepage choose Sto
Request sent tab
This screen shows you a list of the transfers that have been sent that have not been fulfi
Requests In tab
##Requests In tab This screen will show you any transfer requests that have been sent
Requests out tab
##Requests out tab The system can be set up that certain products are ordered from you
Stock Transfers - Backorders Tab
##How to put something on back order + Where something is short when you fulfil the or
Stock transfers explained
##Stock transfers explained Stock transfers is similar to the orders module except tha
Transfer sent tab
This screen will show you a list of the transfers that have been sent. ##Reprint trans
Waiting to check in tab
##Waiting to check in tab This is where you go to book in any transfers that have been
Waiting to send tab
##Waiting to send tab + Sign into the Back Office + Select Stock Transfers ![4