Requests In tab
This screen will show you any transfer requests that have been sent into your store or warehouse.
Request in screen explained:
Date header - This shows you the date and time the transfer was sent to you.
From header - This shows the store that sent the transfer request.
Request# header - This is the unique transfer number generated for the transfer request.
Number lines header - This is the amount of different product requested.
Fulfilled header - This is the number of lines you have fulfilled so far on the transfer request.
Progress header - This is showing you the status of the transfer request so far.
- As you start to fulfil the transfer a percentage will fill in under the progress header.
To fulfil a request in
- Click on the transfer request you want to work on.
- The below screen will then be displayed to you with the products requested
In the 'To Send' field, enter the quantity picked that you are going to send for the first product.
- Repeat for all of the products on the screen
To send the transfer, click 'Send Transfer' to send the transfer to the store that has sent in the transfer request.
Press the 'print' button on the screen to print out the transfer to go with the products.
How to put something on back order
- Where something is short when you fulfil the order, you can tick that product on the left-hand side of the screen and press the back ordered button.
The system will subtract the required quantity from the to send quantity and will put that quantity for that product on back order.
When you have fulfilled all of the products requested press the following:
Press the send transfer button to send the transfer to the store that has sent in the transfer request.
Press the 'print' button on the screen to print out the transfer to go with the products.
All of the products that were push on back order get put into the backorders Tab in the transfers for you to complete at a later stage.