Requests out tab
The system can be set up that certain products are ordered from your warehouse or from another store on an ongoing basis. This screen shows you transfers that are building for you to review to send two the relevant store or warehouse, as in the example below:
Requests Out screen explained:
Print - This will print out the transfer.
Delete button - This becomes active when you put a tick against a product on the left-hand side or if you put a tick against the quantity header to choose all products on the screen.
Hold button - This becomes active when you put a tick against a product on the left-hand side or if you put a tick against the quantity header to choose all products on the screen. When you then press the hold button it will hold the products on the screen and when you press the send request it will not send those products that are held.
Unhold button - This becomes active when you put a tick against a product on the left-hand side or if you put a tick against the quantity header to choose all products on the screen. When you then press the unhold button it will unhold the products on the screen that were held previously and when you press the send request it will send those products that have been taken off hold.
Save button - When you press the save button it saves your work and you can come back at a later stage to complete the transfer request.
Send request(s) button - When you press the send request button it will send the transfer request to the store or warehouse that you are sending the transfer to.
Add product to this request
- Scan the barcode or type in the description of the product
- Enter the quantity against the warehouse or store
Press add to request button.
When complete, press 'Send Request(s)'