Waiting to check in tab
This is where you go to book in any transfers that have been sent to your store.
The screen shows you the following:
To check in - Shows the number of transfers to check in.
Progress - Shows the progress at present.
Flagged items - Shows if there's any flagged items that need to be dealt with.
Exceptions - Shows any unresolved exceptions.
Transfer's waiting to be checked in
- On this part of the screen it shows you the transfers that are waiting to be checked in.
Click on the transfer you want to check in.
This opens up the transfer on the screen.
Screen shows the following:
Transfer number and store it has been sent from.
- Note - this is a unique number.
Notes - there may be notes added here
Product information
The quantity to be received
The cost price that the product was transferred at
The total line cost
Delete transfer button - This will delete the transfer
Save button - This will save the transfer and you can come back to it later.
Complete transfer button - This will book the transfer into stock.
Book Transfer into Stock
- Complete transfer button - Press the 'complete transfer' button to book the transfer into stock once you're happy the received quantity is correct for each product on the transfer.
- This books the transfer into stock and updates your stock level with the received quantity for each product and puts the transfer into history.
Item short on delivery
when you click on the complete button and there is an item(s) short on delivery you have three options:
- Option 1 - Yes, and do nothing with the differences.
- Option 2 - Yes, but mark these items as back ordered and add them to an additional order in the back-orders page.
- Option 3 - Yes, but flag these items so they'll appear in the flag deliveries page.
Option 1 - Yes, and do nothing with the differences
When this is chosen then the differences between the expected and the actual are ignored, and the order is booked in with the quantities that you have given each product.
Press the 'Continue' button to book the order into stock ignoring the differences between the expected and the actual.
Option 2 - Yes, but mark these items as backordered and add them to an additional order in the back-orders page.
When this is ticked then the products that have the correct quantity against them are booked into stock and the items on back order are held, and put into the back-order section waiting for them to come in at a later stage to be booked in. A new order number is generated using the existing order number and.1 will be added to the existing order number.
Press the 'Continue' button to book the order into stock and put the items on back order into the back-order section.
Option 3 - yes but flag these items so they'll appear in the flag deliveries page.
When this is ticked then the products that have the correct quantity against them are booked into stock and the items that had the incorrect quantity are flagged and put into the flight deliveries section to allow you to decide what to do with them.
- Press the 'Continue' button to book the order into stock and put the items flagged into the flagged deliveries page.