If a barcode does not scan at the till you will now be able to enter in the barcode and a description of the product against the sale instead of having to record the sale as Miscellaneous Item (or other non-scan).
The following information comes up on the screen:
- Product not on file: A product with this bar code [the bar code you have scanned] could not be found. Record this sale anyway?
- If you choose ‘Yes’ you will be able to enter a description and price for this item on the next screen
Press the blue button to sell the product.
- If your store is part of a group, this then gets sent to the head office as a not on file product and is dealt with in the back office in the not on file section (If your store is not part of a group (single store) then a member of staff/manager would need to deal with the not on file product.
See link to creating a not on file product